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Direct Reading BOD Analyzer


[Product Overview]

The CY-2 direct reading BOD analyzer, BOD5 meter developed and produced by Shenchanghong, is easy to operate and provides accurate measurement results comparable to chemical dilution methods.

[Application Area]

Widely used in drinking water, groundwater, surface water, municipal sewage, industrial sewage, environmental monitoring, colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and other fields water measurements.
Product Details
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Product Description

Inject the water sample or pretreated water sample into the culture bottle, put the carbon dioxide absorbent (NaOH) into the absorption cup at the mouth of the bottle, seal the culture bottle, and put it into the biochemical culture box. When the sample to be tested is cultured at a constant temperature of 20 ± 1 ℃ for five days, the water sample in the bottle will undergo the biological oxidation reaction at a certain stirring speed. The organic matter is transformed into oxides of nitrogen, carbon and sulfur, and the carbon dioxide gas is absorbed by sodium hydroxide. The oxygen in the upper space of the culture bottle continuously supplies the oxygen demand of the microorganism in the water sample, and the pressure difference is generated in the culture bottle. By detecting the height of mercury in the glass tube, the BOD value of the water sample in the specified measurement period can be calculated.

Technical Parameter

【Direct Reading BOD Analyzer】
Measurement range:  0~1000 mg/L Determination method:  differential pressure method
 Accuracy:  in line with national standard "GB7488" Display: Direct reading
Batch volume: 8 water samples Culture temperature:  20 °C ± 1 °C
Dimensions:  400 × 270 × 350 (mm) Host weight:  6 kg
Host power consumption: <15W Dimensions:  400mm × 270mm × 350mm


1. Easy to operate and can provide accurate measurement results comparable with chemical dilution method.

2. The readings are intuitive.

3. Easy to use and maintain.

4. Wide range of applications.

_Packing List

Name Quantity Name Quantity
1 BOD host 10 culture bottles
10 agitators 1 bottles of mercury
8 sealing cups 2 sealing rings
3 rubber drive belts (large and small) Two safety pipes
One AC / DC converter for power supply